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HDAudio virus

  1. #1
    Junior Member Репутация
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    HDAudio virus

    Me and my brother use this PC, he installed some version of teamviewer and i deleted it, well however, everytime i start up windows theres a "HDAudio.exe" poping up, ive been reading about it in google and everyone says its a virus.
    I can't seem to post in the Help! section so im posting it here, sorry if im breaking the rules, i don't know why i can't post in the Help! Section and i REALLY need help since i do banking stuff in this PC.
    I deleted HDAudio.exe from System32 winwodws and it still pops up at system start.
    Any idea how to fix this? Im running windows 7 64 bits and i think my brother put the HDAudio.exe in the trusted zone of kaspersky, i moved it to untrusted but it keeps poping up at system start.

    Thanks and sorry if im posting in the wrong section.

  2. #2
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    Россия, Краснодар
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  3. #3
    Junior Member Репутация
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    Цитата Сообщение от Olejah Посмотреть сообщение
    I tried that already, it doesnt work, i tried to make an account there and use my actual account and it doesnt work ... =X

  4. #4
    Administrator Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Аватар для olejah
    Россия, Краснодар
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    Describe, what was exactly happening, when you tried to make an account or use your actual. Cause I don't really understand what you mean by "doesn't work".

  5. #5
    Junior Member Репутация
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    Describe, what was exactly happening, when you tried to make an account or use your actual. Cause I don't really understand what you mean by "doesn't work".
    If i try to log with my account (im putting the same info as this forum account) when i try to put my info it just says wrong user or password.
    and when i click on "New user" to register it says "This account is already made"
    I'll try with a new mail i guess.
    by the way, the 911 help says "WARNING!
    Service is running in test mode. Please be sensitive to possible problems functioning."

    Добавлено через 11 минут

    Цитата Сообщение от Olejah Посмотреть сообщение
    Describe, what was exactly happening, when you tried to make an account or use your actual. Cause I don't really understand what you mean by "doesn't work".
    Alright, it worked with a new mail, Number of ticket 35420, may i ask you something? why can't i post in Help! section? is it temporaly closed or what?
    Thanks for the help, i sent a ticket with the problem
    Последний раз редактировалось iPunket; 02.11.2010 в 05:43. Причина: Добавлено

  6. #6
    Administrator Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Аватар для olejah
    Россия, Краснодар
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    Цитата Сообщение от iPunket Посмотреть сообщение
    why can't i post in Help! section?
    Unfortunately Help Me! section is closed and I guess it's permanent situation. But 911 is the way better for us to help and for you to get help.

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