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Safe`n`Sec Personal has shown a 100% efficiency in AV Comparatives Single Product Review.

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    Safe`n`Sec Personal has shown a 100% efficiency in AV Comparatives Single Product Review.

    This spring AV-Comparatives, well-known laboratory of independent tests of Anti-Virus software, has conducted Safe`n`Sec Personal testing and published Single Product Review. The product has been tested on 100 current Malware Samples (Adware, Spyware, Viruses, Trojan Horses, Backdoors, etc.) that were not detected by other major Anti-Virus products at time of testing.
    During testing Safe`n`Sec Personal achieved a protection rate of 100%.

    According the conclusion of the review "Safe`n`Sec Personal is a well-designed product, which really has the potential to protect advanced users from all types of threats from the Internet. The high reliability of protection is provided by application control not only through the installer/uninstaller whitelist but also through the dynamic control and behavioral analyzer technologies".

    Detailed text of AV-Comparatives Single Product Review is available here.

    About Safe`n`Sec solutions

    Safe`n`Sec is proactive protection system of Host Intrusion Prevention class. It provides reliable protection of the workstations in companies' networks against all types of external and internal threats. Analyzing system applications behavior Safe`n`Sec and the newest technology of flexible system privilege delimitation (V.I.P.O.) make a decision about the malicious actions of the application and blocks the attack on an initial stage. Thus any kind of malware having reached the PC is blocked before starting its intelligence in computer environment.

    About S.N. Safe&Software Ltd.

    S.N. Safe&Software Ltd. was founded in 2006 by group of independent investors and since 2006 is successful in selling Safe`n`Sec complex computer protection system in Russia and abroad. The company has got more than 20 Safe`n`Sec distributors worldwide. In 2009 the company finalized a venture deal with Troika Dialog in which S.N. Safe&Software received several million dollars of financing from a venture fund managed by Troika Dialog Asset Management.

    Source: S.N. Safe&Software Ltd.
    Последний раз редактировалось Rashevskiy; 01.07.2010 в 10:45.
    SafenSoft - защита будущего сегодня!

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