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Outpost Security Suite Pro Review

  1. #1
    Senior Member Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Аватар для SDA
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    Outpost Security Suite Pro Review

    The installation process is very easy through a simple and straightforward installation wizard. The setup wizard detects third-party security products installed on your computer and confirms whether the user has installed these applications. This is done to provide a smooth coexistence of Outpost Security Suite Pro with incompatible security products. It is quite a refreshing change from the normal setup routine of most security products, forcing the user to uninstall almost every other security product installed on his/her PC. Agnitum should receive a pat on the shoulder for respecting the software installed on the computers of end users. It clearly shows that Agnitum is focussed on getting Outpost Security Suite Pro to work on your PC without disrupting your current system and security software setup.

    A configuration wizard starts immediately after the installation of the security suite. The "Normal" security level is highly recommended and even though it has relaxed security settings it still provides adequate protection for most personal computer systems. Experienced users may want to try the "Advanced" security level for improved protection but it could be at the cost of more complicated tweaks on your system at a later stage. The latest malware definitions are downloaded during the configuration operations, ensuring that you have the most up to date version installed on your PC. A reboot is required once the Configuration Wizard is complete.


  2. #2
    Banned Репутация
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    Outpost Security Suite Pro Review

    Вот на днях вышла прога Outpost security suite. Outpost security suite-это комплек разных защит: антивируса, файервола, антиспама и тд,проще говоря.Так вот установил я этот Outpost security suite вместе с кашперовским и у меня ком начал зависать ой, пострашному.а у меня комп то не слабый как никак пенек то двухядерный с 2 гб оперативы; хочется сказать что очень странное поведение было у моего компа кто нить с таикм случаем встречался когда-нибудь? напишите плиз. Жду ответа

  3. #3
    Administrator Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Аватар для olejah
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