On April 8th... Microsoft is planning to release 8 Security Bulletins.
Products affected:
Microsoft Project 2000 SR1, 2002 SR1 & 2003 SR2
Windows 2000 SP4
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 Server SP1, SP2
Windows Vista SP0, SP1
Windows Server 2008
VBScript 5.1, 5.6
JScript 5.1, 5.6
Internet Explorer v5.01 SP4, v6 SP1 & SP2, v7
Microsoft Vision 2002 SP3, 2003 SP2 & SP3, 2007 SP0, SP1
They also plan to release some non-security updates (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/894199/en-us# and http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/wsus/bb466214.aspx for the list of items to be released)
The Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool will be updated next week.
See also Microsoft's Security Response Center's blog on the above at http://blogs.technet.com/msrc/archiv...ification.aspx