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Forum Rules

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    Forum Rules

    1. The information published on the board is not pre-edited and its content is not checked. Please remember that the administrating team does not actively control the forum performance and does not bear any responsibility for the information published. The messages express their authors' opinions which possibly do not coincide with the administrators' opinions.

    2. Any user can report any message as undesirable. If the project administration finds the message unnecessary, it will be removed.

    3. Joining the forum, you agree that you will not publish fake, insulting, vulgar, pornographic, compromising and other information that somehow breaks the law or social moral code. Any insulting or offensive sayings about either people or groups of people (like women, students, coders etc) are not allowed. Offensive word modifications that violate someone's dignity and break the human rights in spheres of religion, nationality, political views etc are forbidden as well.

    4. Four-letter words, vulgar language, quarrelling and disrespectful sayings towards forum members are not allowed.

    5. Advertising and repeating messages are forbidden.

    6. Overquoting is not desirable.

    7. Offtopic messages are not allowed and will be removed.

    8. Public discussions on moderators' and administrators' actions and forum rules are not allowed. Any user can report on moderators' actions in private address to the administrators.

    9. When opening a new thread please try to define a name that reflects its content as certainly as possible. Use search engine to avoid multiple topics.

    10. Messages and thread titles IN CAPITAL LETTERS are not allowed. Messages presented completely in colour and / or font that differ from default settings are forbidden as well.

    11. Links to active malware, cracked or not licensed software, serial numbers and cracks are forbidden, as well as questions on how to find them.

    12. Apparent ignorance of English language literary norms is not welcome, except for cases when the user is not a native speaker of English.

    13. Your signature should be no longer than 3 lines. Colour - black or grey. The whole signature in bold is not allowed. Font size - no more than 2.
    Signature can contain links to sites which do not break any law.
    Signature can contain advertisement.

    14. Threads containing hacking-related or network-marketing-related propaganda are forbidden, as well as threads provoking product wars.

    15. Each user has a right for one user account. If a cloned account is discovered, it will be blocked; the original user will get an infraction.

    16. Persons who are constantly breaking the forum rules, or those who apparently violate them, will be banned from the forum.
    Последний раз редактировалось NickGolovko; 28.02.2008 в 11:28.
    [I]Nick Golovko
    NCFU lecturer, information security specialist[/I]

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