hello my files in the D drive are encrypted way malvaillant how to decrypted? a file named is in the folder encrypted files and starts with Windows the file is README TO UNLOCK.txt help me please
hello my files in the D drive are encrypted way malvaillant how to decrypted? a file named is in the folder encrypted files and starts with Windows the file is README TO UNLOCK.txt help me please
Последний раз редактировалось akram fattoum; 25.01.2014 в 20:45.
help me on this forum my files, my video, my pictcher and encrypted and help me change extension
Сердце решает кого любить... Судьба решает с кем быть...
- - - Updated - - -
picture is named. loked zip. loked pdf. loked
Upload files by link http://virusinfo.info/upload_virus.php?tid=153987
Сердце решает кого любить... Судьба решает с кем быть...
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- Получено карантинов: 1
- Обработано файлов: 1
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