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Mallware Hunter

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    Mallware Hunter

    Ultima Weapon Vs Mallware

    I now embark on a journey called "MALLWARE HUNTING". Some may say it is foolish, brave, or crazy crusade or hobby. To go where no man has gone before!!! I guess the saying applies to defeat the enemy you must learn the enemy & use its own methods against it & any means to defeat it. You can say the ends justify the means or I use both light ( good side av & as & isr & anti mallware tool programs) & darkness (to combat mallware Virus writers creation methods are used against them). What ever it takes as long as mallware falls.!!!

    I capture mallware using advance technolgy honeycomb, sandbox, virtualization & lockdown.

    Ultima Weapon Vs a METAMORPHIC VIRUS


    Test Results
    I let it infect my virtual system & it spread like wildfire. They can metamorph or transform into something new. Attract them using honeybow sensor, a tool for colecting mallware. Capture itusing sandbox ,Locking down metasmorphic viruses with technolgy will stop their mutation & putting them in a virtual drive to isolate & imprison it, Then compresion methods are applied

    This is what I Found out about this mutating virus
    Info about the metamorhphic virus
    The Viral Darwinism of W32.Evol

    Tuesday, February 6 2007 14:26.08 CST
    Author: Orr # Views: 13785 Printer Friendly ...


    The W32.Evol virus was discovered around July 2000. Its name is derived from a string found in the virus, but much more can be implied from the name. Up until then, most of the viruses were using Polymorphic engines in order to hide themselves from Anti-Virus scanners. The engine would encrypt the virus with a different key on every generation, and would generate a small, variant decryptor that would consist of different operations but remain functionally equivalent. This technique was beginning to wear out as AV scanners would trace virus-decryption until it was decrypted in memory, visible and clear.

    Although Metamorphism, as a technique, appeared in several viruses in the DOS age, it got full attention from virus writers in the 32-bit environment. The idea is simple; Transformation instead of Encryption. Not just a small decryptor would be transformed, but the entire virus body.

    A Metamorphic engine is used in order to transform executable (binary) code. The behavior of such an engine varies from virus to virus, but many elements remain the same. A metamorphic engine has to implement some sort of an internal disassembler in order to parse the input code. After disassembly, the engine will transform the program code and will produce new code that will retain its functionality and yet will look different from the original code.

    According to Symantec, Evol was the first virus to utilize a 'true' 32-bit Metamorphic Engine, and so it represents another step in the evolution of Anti-AV techniques.

    Virus Author's Note: "The only particularity of Evol is its evolution engine - meaning that the virus will mutate every 4 copy of itself. The engine is not an usual polymorphic engine, but rather a metamorphic engine (see Benny description in 29A #4), which means that there is no encrypted code: the whole code of the virus, engine included, is variable. Furthermore, the engine inserts random code, so as to make detection by antivirus more difficult. The virus contains no fixed data : it is only a massive piece of code."

    The research I performed over the Metamorphic engine includes a heavily-commented disassembly of the engine available here. Information regarding the behavior of the virus itself is not included in this paper and is available on many Antivirus websites on the Internet, namely the Symantec website.


    Examples in this paper include shortened naming of assembly language expressions:

    Reg – Register (i.e. EAX, EBX)
    Mem – Memory address (i.e. [EAX])
    r/m – Register or Memory
    imm – Immediate Value (i.e. OP Reg, ACABh)


    The engine is called in the following standard-issue fashion:

    push [ebp+var_14] ; *outBuf (EDI)
    call GetSizeOfCode
    push eax ; sizeOfCode
    call SeekStartOfVirus
    push eax ; *inBuf (ESI)
    call MetaEngine
    cmp eax, 0
    jz short EngineFailed

    Or, in psuedo-C:

    MetaEngine(*inBuf, sizeOfCode, *outBuf);

    Where, *inBuf is a pointer to the code, sizeOfCode is the size, *outBuf is the output to the destination buffer where the mutated code will be stored.

    Code Analysis

    The engine will perform a analysis over the given code. Aside from on-the-fly disassembly, the virus will allocate 4 table entries for each instruction it analyzes. Each of the entries is a double-word. The structure is accessed in the following way:

    +00 InputIP Pointer to Instruction in the Input Buffer
    +04 OutputIP Pointer to Mutated Instruction in Output Buffer
    +08 OffsetNewRelative Pointer to offset of New Relative Branch Value
    +0C NewRelative New Relative Value for a Branch Instruction

    When the engine first loads, it will use allocate SizeOfCode*16 bytes using VirtualAlloc for the purpose of the above-mentioned table. In the end, theses bytes will be freed using VirtualFree. The virus itself uses internal 'caller' functions (callVirtualAlloc / callVirtualFree), and doesn't call the API's directly.

    Every time the engine loads a new instruction for analysis, the first two members of the structure are filled, and the 3rd member is zeroed for later use. The 3rd and 4th fields will only be filled in case the engine analyzes a branch instruction (JMP/Jcc/CALL), to be used when the relocations will be fixed, after the mutation process is complete.

    The engine will disassemble only instructions that the author had included, meaning it would fail with unrecognized / unsupported instructions.

    Sample Disassembly:

    cmp al, 8Ah ; MOV r8, r/m8?
    jz short _Mutate?
    cmp al, 8Bh ; MOV r32, r/m32?
    jz short _Mutate?
    cmp al, 8Dh ; LEA r32, mem?
    jz short _Mutate?

    As you can see, the engine simply checks for the current opcode, and if it is recognized by the engine, it will take an action accordingly.

    Code Transformations

    I. Instruction Transformation

    The engine supports several kinds of instruction mutations, meaning it will write different code with the same functionality. The defined transformations are divided into two parts:

    * Inter-Engine Transformations: These transformations are inlined inside the engine, and are a part of the engine's core.

    Original Transformed

    - PUSH r/m8
    - PUSH r/m32

    MOV EAX, r/m

    - MOV reg, imm

    a. MOV reg, Random
    ADD reg, imm-Random

    b. MOV reg, Random
    SUB reg, -(imm-Random)

    c. MOV reg, Random
    XOR reg, Random^imm

    * External Transformations: These transformations are called like that due to the fact that their 'physical' location is outside the main engine function. Despite this fact, these routines act as if they are inside the engine itself, and when they are finished they jump back to the engine. There is no visible point behind this, and my guess is that they were added after the initial coding process.

    Original Transformed

    - MOV r/m, reg
    - MOV reg, r/m
    - TEST r/m, reg
    - LEA r32, mem
    - OP r/m, reg
    - OP reg, r/m

    PUSH RandomReg
    MOV RandomReg, OriginalReg
    ADD RadnomReg, RandomImm8
    OP r/m - RandomReg, OriginalReg
    POP RandomReg

    - MOV r/m, reg
    - TEST r/m, reg
    - OP r/m, reg

    PUSH RandomReg
    MOV RandomReg, OriginalReg
    OP OriginalR/M, RandomReg
    POP RandomReg

    - MOV reg, r/m
    - LEA reg, mem
    - OP reg, r/m

    PUSH RandomReg
    MOV RandomReg, OriginalReg
    OP RandomReg, OriginalR/M
    MOV OriginalReg, RandomReg
    POP RandomReg

    - OP r/m8, imm8
    - MOV r/m8, imm8
    - TEST r/m8

    PUSH RandomReg
    MOV RandomReg8, Imm8
    OP OriginalR/M8, RandomReg8
    POP RandomReg

    The engine's decision whether to transform a given instruction or not is based upon a random factor. The engine asks for a random number between 0 and 7, and the transformation will be applied only if it is 0 – meaning a probability of 1/8.

    II. Alternative Instruction Encoding

    The Intel instruction format allows different binary encoding for the same action. The engine supports the following alternative encodings:

    Original Encoding Modified Encoding Mnemonics
    7x imm8 0F 8x imm32 Jcc short Jcc near
    EB imm8 E9 imm32 CALL short CALL near
    A8 imm8 F6 C0 imm8 TEST AL, imm8 TEST AL, imm8
    A9 imm32 F7 C0 imm32 TEST EAX, imm32 TEST EAX, imm32
    3F imm8 80 ModRM imm8 OP AL, imm8 OP AL, imm8
    3F imm32 81 ModRM imm32 OP EAX, imm32 OP EAX, imm32
    83 ModRM imm8 81 ModRM imm32 OP r/m32, imm8 OP r/m32, imm32

    III. Fixed Transformations

    The engine will replace the following bytes with the corresponding sequences:

    Original Encoding Modified Encoding Mnemonics


    8A 06
    83 C6 01
    88 07
    83 C7 01


    MOV AL, [ESI]
    ADD ESI, 1
    MOV [EDI], AL
    ADD EDI, 1


    8B 06
    83 C6 04
    89 07
    83 C7 04


    MOV [EAX], ESI
    ADD ESI, 4
    MOV [EDI], EAX
    ADD EDI, 4


    88 07
    83 C7 01


    MOV EDI, [AL]
    ADD EDI, 1


    88 07
    83 C7 04


    MOV EDI, [EAX]
    ADD EDI, 4


    8A 06
    83 C6 01


    MOV AL, [ESI]
    ADD ESI, 1


    8A 06
    83 C6 04


    MOV EAX, [ESI]
    ADD ESI, 4

    As you can see, these instructions do not have any parameters passed onto them, thus simply being replaced with their corresponding functionality.

    IV. Junk-Code Insertion

    The engine will generate instructions that are not reliant upon the original code, and their functionality is essentially "do-nothing". The junk instructions will only be added if the last written byte is between 50h to 52h (PUSH EAX/ECX/EDX).

    - MOV r32, [ebp+Random8]
    - MOV r32, Random32
    - OP r32, Random32 ;ADC/ADD/AND/OR/SBB/SUB/XOR
    - MOV RandomReg8, Random8

    It may be noted, however, that these instructions actually do alter the original code flow as they are random and inserted in places in which they will be executed, but these instructions are inserted after PUSH instructions, so we assume the registers will be modified later on.

    V. General Instructions

    In any other case the engine will store the instruction as is, aside from exceptional opcodes:

    Opcode Mnemonics Action



    Don't store

    0F xx
    (80 > xx > 90)

    Special Opcode 0F
    Not supported by engine

    Abort Engine


    INT 3 (Debugger Breakpoint)

    Anti Debug

    81 C4

    ADD ESP, imm32


    81 EC

    SUB ESP, imm32


    83 C4

    ADD ESP, imm8


    83 EC

    ADD ESP, imm8



    OP2 r/m8, imm8



    OP2 r/m8, imm8





    8B EC




    REP Prefix





    50 – 5F

    PUSH r32 / POP r32


    Relocation Fixups

    After the mutation process is completed, the engine fixes instruction relocations. Due to the fact that many times the transformation process results in growth of code, most (if not all) of the branch instructions will lead to an incorrect place in the destination buffer. The engine will utilize the relocation-table it created during the mutation process, and it will patch the new address into place. First, it will loop through the table. For every instruction it will add the 1st and 4th fields (InputIP + NewRelative), thus calculating a virtual original destination. It will then set a second loop that will search for that destination, and patch the entry using the 3rd and 4th fields.

    Other Features

    I. Anti Debugging

    If the engine will detect a breakpoint over the code it mutates, it will jump to the following routine:

    cmp byte ptr [ebx+7], 0BFh ; are we in kernel mode?
    jnz short ret_AntiDebug
    mov ecx, 1000h ; counter = 1000h
    mov edi, 40000000h
    or edi, 80000000h
    add edi, ecx ; edi = C0001000h
    rep stosd ; copy bytes to [edi]
    retn ; this will result in a crash

    The above routine can also be considered as 'external', as it is called from the main virus body as well as from the engine.

    II. Internal Functions

    The engine contains several functions that it uses for many actions:

    * Random: Returns a random number in EAX.
    * Rnd7: Returns a random number between 0-7 and checks if it's 0.
    * CheckDisplacement: Returns the displacement of a given opcode in CL.
    * InvertSign: If necessary, the function inverts the sign (- / +) of AL.
    * GetRandomDword: Returns a random dword in EAX.
    * GetWBit: Extracts the W bit from the opcode into DL.
    * ModifyDH: Modifies the DH according to the W bit.
    * GetRandomReg8: Returns a random 8 bit register in BL.
    * GetRandomReg32: Returns a random 32 bit register in BL.
    * MakePushRandomReg: Generates a PUSH RandomReg instruction.
    * MakePopRandomReg: Generates a POP RandomReg instruction.

    Sample Transformations

    Presented below are the actual transformations performed by the engine on itself.

    B9 00 10 00 00 mov ecx, 1000h

    B9 10 B2 00 3C mov ecx, 3C00B210h
    81 C1 F0 5D FF C3 add ecx, 0C3FF5DF0h ; ecx = 1000h

    Some of the "external" transformations:

    Before After

    8B 45 0C mov eax, [ebp+0Ch]

    56 push esi
    89 EE mov esi, ebp
    83 C6 56 add esi, 56h
    8B 46 B6 mov eax, [esi-4Ah]
    5E pop esi

    89 43 08 mov [ebx+8], eax

    51 push ecx
    8B C8 mov ecx, eax
    89 4B 08 mov [ebx+8], ecx
    59 pop ecx

    33 C0 xor eax, eax

    51 push ecx
    89 C1 mov ecx, eax
    33 C8 xor ecx, eax
    8B C1 mov eax, ecx
    59 pop ecx

    80 F9 50 cmp cl, 50h

    52 push edx
    B2 50 mov dl, 50h
    38 D1 cmp cl, dl
    5A pop edx

    As you can see in the above examples, the mutated byte-sequences are entirely different then the original ones.


    The analysis of the virus engine took me a lot of time, mainly due to the fact that it was done statically, without running the code. I hope this paper helps to shed more light on the idea of how metamorphism is done, as well as the aspects involved in the design of such an engine. Further, I'd like to thank the author of this engine, for creating this piece of code that enhanced my interest in this particular field. I encourage you to look over the reversed source-code of the engine, as it will probably make all things written above a little bit more clear.

    Thanks for reading this. As always, any feedback is always welcome.

    Ultima Weapon Vs The VBS Script virus


    Weak & Easy to capture due to lack of mutation.

    Ultima Weapon Vs the Love Letter Worm from the philippines

    Love Letter Worm
    The fastest spreading virus in history appears to have been written by a resident of Manila in the Philippines. Manila is the capital of the phil. Sent via e-mail in May 2000 with "I LOVE YOU" in the subject field, it replicated itself to everyone in the user's Outlook address book and then destroyed local files. Love Letter forced numerous organizations to shut down their e-mail systems, as computer users were far too willing to let love into their lives.

    My Strategy
    Defeated this worm by baiting it with a file in sandbox , locking it down & sealing it in a virtual drive.

    Currently studying the metamorphic engine & how it works & how to create a powerful metamorphic virus with stealth & evasion techniques.!! I found a metamorphic virus creation notes left by a virus writer in the net & I admit metamorphic virus is fascinating & great.
    Последний раз редактировалось Ultima Weapon; 08.12.2007 в 04:35.
    Realtime: Kaspersky Internet Security & A-squared Anti-Mallware (default windows)On Demand Scanner: Avira Premium & Nod32 ,Panda& AVG antispyware & Bitdefender 2008(another windows) Firewall: Online Armor System Recovery: Returnil

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    Ultima Weapon Vs Mallware
    Ultima Weapon Vs two METAMORPHIC VIRUSES

    Virus.VBS.Devolve - This a VBS script virus, script can't use low level procesor instruction and can't be Metamorphic by definition

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    Thanks for the clarification. Looking now for W32 Simile Metamorphic Sample.
    It has a large metamorphic engine from what I heard.
    Realtime: Kaspersky Internet Security & A-squared Anti-Mallware (default windows)On Demand Scanner: Avira Premium & Nod32 ,Panda& AVG antispyware & Bitdefender 2008(another windows) Firewall: Online Armor System Recovery: Returnil

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