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SUPERAntiSpyware 4.0 Pre-Release

  1. #1
    External Specialist Репутация Репутация Репутация Репутация Аватар для Sjoeii
    Вес репутации

    SUPERAntiSpyware 4.0 Pre-Release

    Here are SOME of the changes/enhancements.

    Interface and Functionality Changes

    * Hover text/bubble over SUPERAntiSpyware system tray icon shows program version, database versions and last update date
    * Main screen now shows subscription expiration date (if any) and product version i.e. Professional or Free Edition
    * When registering/activating the Free Edition, all references to Free Edition are changed to Professional
    * Windows Vista Security Center Integration
    * Updates now has it's own tab in the Preferences - there may be additional items here in the future
    * Drastically reduced memory usage

    Technology Changes

    * Up to a 30% increase in scanning speed
    * Direct Disk Access (DDA) technology bypasses all of the Windows API/Kernel to detect and remove difficult spyware
    * Additional repairs for Windows Vista and Windows XP including Control Panel Access Restore
    * Improved detection of packed/compressed threats
    * Termination protection - you can allow Task Manager to terminate the application if something hangs - something other applications don't allow
    * Enhanced detection and removal of in-memory threats
    * Improved hardware detection and logging to reduce re-activation problems

    Important : You MUST uninstall any previous version before installing this version. SUPERAntiSpyware Professional users, your existing registration code works with the pre-release.

    DO NOT install any PROGRAM updates from our auto-updater as those will be for versions prior to 4.0 - the update servers are updated AFTER offical release.

    SUPERAntiSpyware 4.0.1070 Free Edition

    SUPERAntiSpyware 4.0.1070 Professional
    Последний раз редактировалось Sjoeii; 28.11.2007 в 16:01.
    Just a security fanatic

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