36 Scanners
About VirSCAN
VirSCAN.org is a FREE on-line scan service, which checks uploaded files for malware, using antivirus engines, indicated in the VirSCAN list. On uploading files you want to be checked, you can see the result of scanning and how dangerous and harmful/harmless for your computer those files are.
VirSCAN.org cannot replace antivirus software on your computer. VirSCAN is not supposed and able to protect your computer from malware. VirSCAN only scans files, which may contain viruses, trojans, backdoors, spyware, dialers. However, VirSCAN does not bear responsibilty for the results of scanning. Even if all the AV engines, included to VirSCAN fail to detect any kind of malware in the file you upload, it does not guarantee its being clean and safe for your computer. Some anti-virus engines may define the files you will upload as malware, but it may turn out to be a false positive. Due to the platform and the engine version, the scan report can't show the actual abilities of antivirus vendors. There are possible situations when VirSCAN fails to detect a real malware, but AV vendor, indicated in the test is capable of finding malware, or on the contrary, VirSCAN detects malware, but the AV engine fails to do it. All the examples, mentioned above may occur, so VirSCAN does not bear any responsibilty for the results of scanning.
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About VirusTotal
32 Scanners
VirusTotal is a service that analyzes suspicious files and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detected by antivirus engines.
Free, independent service
Use of multiple antivirus engines
Real-time automatic updates of virus signatures
Detailed results from each antivirus engine
Real time global statistics
Virustotal Homepage
I would also like to add several online scanners.
VIRUS.ORG 22 Scanners
VIRUS CHIEF 13 scanners
About VirusChief
VirusChief is a service that analyzes suspicious files and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detected by antivirus engines.
- Free, independent service
- Use of multiple antivirus engines
- Real-time automatic updates of virus signatures
- Detailed results from each antivirus engine
- Link output
- BB-Code output
- File deletion after the scan-report was generated