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VirusInfo Collegiate Program

  1. #1
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    VirusInfo Collegiate Program

    Dear users,

    VirusInfo is proud to announce its brandnew collegiate program for specialists who are not project participants. The program is aimed at involving specialists from other forums in the project's work and possible promoting them to full project participants.

    External specialists are allowed to access the specialized forums of collegiate section: "Tools" (about utilities used to heal computers; among others you can discuss the newest AVZ alpha versions), "Scripts" (discussing and developing typical AVZ scripts to destroy challenging malicious software), "Help and Advice" (exchanging experience and recommendations about deleting malware), "Discussing Malware" (section related to challenging and interesting infection cases on live material of Help Me section).

    Taking part in the program is absolutely free. All you need is the following succession of actions:

    1) Register at VirusInfo forums.
    2) Go to User CP - Networking - Group Membership.
    3) Apply for membership in group Коллеги | External Specialists.
    4) Add info about the forum you are practising at, and the nickname that you use there.

    Your application will be reviewed by the group leader. If the verdict will be positive, after a very easy procedure of verification of your account you will be included to the group list, and we will grant you access to the collegiate section.

    The section of external specialists is available from the forum main page or by a special link in the bottom of English/Russian forum. The link, as well as the section itself, can be seen only by external specialists and project participants.

    After you are included to the group list, you can change your status to "External Specialist" in the profile settings page where you applied for the group.
    Последний раз редактировалось NickGolovko; 29.09.2008 в 07:46.
    [I]Nick Golovko
    NCFU lecturer, information security specialist[/I]

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